
Chaps & Co. Makes the Cut with Clever Radio Advertising

Chaps & Co JLT

Photo Credit: Chaps & Co. Facebook page

I recently wrote about 7 ways to make radio campaigns more effective. While this was mostly out of the selfish desire to reduce the number of annoying ads, I do believe radio can be an impactful medium if used correctly. One of the ideas I presented was incorporating your campaign into a radio show instead of just buying radio spots. On my drive today I heard a perfect example of this tactic.

Chaps & Co. is a male barbershop I had never heard of until this morning (is it just me, or are upscale barbershops becoming a thing in the UAE?). Only a few hours later I am not only aware of the brand, but I have also taken the time to check out their Facebook page even though I’m not part of the target audience. That’s how clever this simple radio campaign is.

The new JLT male grooming center has tied up with Danny C. of Radio 1’s Rude Awakening show to mark Movember with a facial hair competition between the radio host and a few selected listeners. Men were selected by the morning show’s team to compete with Danny C. for the month of November on who could grow the best moustache and/or beard. Chaps & Co will be shaving these men along with the host live in the studio tomorrow to ensure all are clean shaven for the cancer awareness month.

Not only is Chaps & Co. getting involved with a good cause, but they have also chosen one that is completely relevant for their brand which makes their support of it exponentially more effective. The campaign is clear, fun, and interactive, and Danny C. is a smart choice for a host tie up. As his personality is laid back and humorous, he is succeeding in promoting the brand in a way that feels unscripted and genuine. I found myself looking forward to hearing updates on his facial hair adventures, as silly as that sounds, and I also hopped online to check out Chaps & Co. as soon as I got home. If that isn’t effective radio advertising, I don’t know what is!

Is your brand getting involved in Movember? Let us know how in the comments below! 

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